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Milkshake Festival 2021 – Amsterdam

31/07/2021 @ 12:00 - 01/08/2021 @ 23:00

Milkshake Festival 2021

Milkshake Festivals’ 10 year anniversary edition!

We are working hard to bring you back into the world of Milkshake, the way we want to. But of course: If the current situation continues, we are working on some fabulous alternatives!

More info will follow asap.


Milkshake festival shows that entertainment, music choice, choice of clothing and status has nothing to do with sexuality. Life is just a party thanks to the great diversity of skin colors, religions, sexual preferences and male and female forms. Milkshake wants to celebrate the city’s initiatives and is an impetus to bring the courtesy and friendly manners back into society. Thick, thin, small, large, gay, straight, trans, black or white: people are the salt of the earth and this is what we celebrate!


31/07/2021 @ 12:00
01/08/2021 @ 23:00
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