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Rock Werchter 2022

30/06/2022 @ 12:00 - 03/07/2022 @ 23:59

LINE-UP, INFO & TICKETS on https://www.rockwerchter.be/en

Rock Werchter is Belgium’s largest music festival: four days and four stages, with the biggest headliners, young talents, raging rockers, incredible singer-songwriters, new names, and the coolest beats around. Rock Werchter deliberately builds its programmes across all genres.

In 2022, Rock Werchter will take place between Thursday 30 June and Sunday 3 July. Rock Werchter is a unique experience.

The line-up of artists is always world-class, the conditions exceptional, and the festival feeling omnipresent. Rock Werchter is a multi-award-winning international hit and a regular fixture in every music lover’s diary.

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Rock Werchter
Haachtsesteenweg 23
Werchter, 3118 BE
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